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Diary is a way of being a witness to one's own life, something that is harder than you might suppose. It is a way of 'trying to see what you are doing, to hear what you are saying'. A diary makes links. First diarist is one's mother who links facts for one, holds the pieces together. Diary is like the Greek legend about the king who whispered his secrets to the grass. In a diary, you can alleviate a pressure to say the unsayable. It may be something you haven't even said to yourself, revealed through writing. Who are diaries for? Diary writing often seems airless, it lacks the oxygen of an audience. It can seem solipsistic, bordering on demented - writing to yourself. Some people self-consciously keep diaries which they hope will be discovered as literary gems by their grandchildren 'Keeping a diary should not be a form of vanity publishing A diary is often a way of trying to cheat mortality: self-memorialising, a garrulous epitaph. It is about leaving yourself behind, it is almost a message in a bottle. Features: - easy to use - minimalizm - iCloud sync - stickers for notes

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